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View Receipt & Confirmation of participation is possible on ksccm.org homepage.
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Thank you very much for agreeing to be an invited speaker for the 40th KSCCM conference. Each invited speaker is requested to submit a 1~3 pages lecture note for the inclusion
of the Conference Proceedings. Please submit your lecture note and CV until
June 26, 2020 (Fri).
Limited to 1~3 pages, typed in 12 point font size, Saved as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc or *.docx)
Your brief biography is required to help us give introductions at the congress.
Material to be obtained may be open to the public through the congress website, newsletter, publication and etc.
The preferred format is as follows :
Biographies must be: Limited to 300 words or less, Saved as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc or *.docx)
Please submit your presentation slides via the Webhard(www.webhard.co.kr) site no later than Friday, July 10, 2020.
ID : adminksccm / PW : 1111
All speakers are requested to prepare their presentation slides in the following formats :
- Guide to Video Presentation: EN version download KR version download
Director of the Scientific Board
Sungwon Na
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
KSCCM E-mail: ksccm@ksccm.org